Saturday, January 17, 2009

Feet of blue fur, hands of yarn vomit

This is ridiculous but I can't stop myself... I just took a picture (actually, Mr. W took it - have I mentioned he's a patient one??) of my favourite slipper. I'm chatting on twitter with someone who wanted cow slippers. Well, sure, but why, when you could have...

Please note the glittery blue toenails. :)

To 'match', I have my fingerless mitts. I have, in the past, commented that I didn't get the whole fingerless mitts thing. It's my FINGERS that get cold, not the rest of my hand. I was politely informed that keeping the rest of the hand warm also helps with the fingers. I tried, and lo, it was correct. So now I have two finished pairs, and several more in progress. The first is made with Patons Rumor, a yarn now discontinued for what I can see were valid reasons. It IS soft, but it started to look scruffy the first time I wore the mitts. Nonetheless, they are... vibrant.

I can't imagine making something bigger out of this yarn, but for mitts it's a nice kick of colour. (I think it looks like a LiteBrite factory blew up. :)

When I write, I nearly always wear a shawl made of white Moda Dea Dream. It's so soft, cozy without being overheating, and now it's just part of the routine. I had some left over, though, so I made...

They are a touch too big but so soft, and they're soothing somehow while I type. When I start the next book's first draft, I'll have to see if I can actually write on paper with them on, but they do work well with the computer. A few times they got TOO warm, and then I just pushed them down and made wrist cuffs (with a weird lump where the thumb holes were).

I'm obsessed with fingerless mitts. (My name is Heather, and I'm an addict.) The good news is that they're a) faster and b) take less yarn than my previous obsession, shawls. :)

Back to blog decluttering. (It's either that or declutter the house, and frankly, this is easier!)



Anonymous said...

I am SO in love with your shoes!! And the colorful mittens are my favs!

Heather Wardell said...

Thanks, Riohnna! And a big thanks for not making fun of me for posting the pictures. :)

mini witchy said...

I love those fuzzy white hand warmers! I'm obsessed with the idea of hand warmers, but bored with the pattern I have, so I took a break on them.

Why is it we seem to always be updating/changing our blogs at similar times? I'll stop short of suggesting a "psychic blogging connection", but... :p

Kit Courteney said...

OMG - I want them all!!!!!!!

I was of the same opinion re fingers cold/ hand warm.

They ALL look fantastic.

LOVING the glittery blue toenails!!

Anonymous said...

love the white mittens

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