I bought 430 yards of merino silk yarn from my blogging friend Picnicknits. Picture is here (shamelessly swiped from her etsy site). It's lovely and soft, and I want to make something really nice with it.
As you know, I don't knit any more. I'm thinking crocheted socks or fingerless mitts.
Since I wear skirts 99% of the time, I'd pretty much only be wearing the socks around the house. This is fine, I guess, but then the yarn doesn't get out to see the world, which seems sad. Also, is 430 yards enough for socks for size 10 feet? (I have da monster-sized feet. But I don't fall over much, so I guess they keep me balanced!)
I could make mitts, but I'm developing quite a collection of mitts. I also don't want to have yarn left over since I won't know what to do with like 100 left-over yards, and mitts will probably leave me with excess.
I never wear scarves, and I have about 15 shawls.
So, um... what should I make? :)
It should be enough yarn for socks (and you could make them toe-up so you don't run out of yarn), but it would be a shame to keep this pretty yarn hidden. Can you make the Phoenix Mitts from the CLF book with fingering weight? Maybe leave off a few shells per round?
I have no idea. I am currently using fingering weight yarns, (cotton) in my miter square blanket.
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