I often try to convince myself not to have those daydreams. You know the ones. The kind where an agent calls and is beside him/herself with how wonderful the book is and how quickly it will sell and how brilliant a career I will have and...
Yeah. Those.
But you know what? I like having those daydreams. I'm realistic about how hard it is to get published, but it's also fun to dream. And I don't truly think (having been through this a few times now) that it's harder getting turned down after daydreaming than it is after not daydreaming.
So I will carry on imagining. It's what I do, after all. :)
In other news for this week:
- I have reviewed Aardvark (which is now called "Planning to Live", courtesy of Mr. W) and sent its first batch of queries. I will NOT be posting "here's how many responses I got", because I like to keep that to myself, but I did want to say it's gone out.
- I left Blueberry mid-scene. I almost never do that, but since I knew I wouldn't get back to it until Monday, I figured that would help me get going again.
- I went to the dentist. I have a cavity. =( I also have a crown over a root canal that "we should really replace because if there's a problem under there you won't know until the tooth falls apart". Yes, by all means, let's do it before that happens.
- I have done three training runs and one other workout, and will either box or swim (depending on my mood) on Sunday.
It's been a decent week. Now that "Planning to Live" has gone to agents, I will be all Blueberry all the time, so next week should be great.
Today I noticed that the laptop is full of fur. Electronics like cat fur, right?
She's not actually much of an assistant, as she purrs and tries to grab my fingers and is generally distracting. But it's fun to have her there. It's almost like she's cheering me on. :)
Have a great weekend!!!
*** The post title is a Simpsons quote. Anyone remember the episode? :)
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