Monday, September 20, 2010

First Posted Review of "Planning to Live"

I don't plan to post every single review as its own blog post here (because I've been working on contacting book bloggers and I'm hoping there'll be tons of reviews!) but this is the first and I just had to share it.

It's nerve-wracking having people you don't know read your books. I'm getting used to it, of course, but it was unexpectedly difficult to put them out there and know that people I'll never meet are reading them and bringing their own life experiences to them.

And since "Planning to Live" is honestly the book I think I became a writer to write, it's especially tough this time. I so want people to get it.

Tiffany got it. My favorite part of her review, although it was hard to choose just one:
I have been struggling to write this review for days, because it is hard to review this book without giving spoilers. And I refuse to give spoilers, because I really, really want you to read it. We ALL need to read this book, there is so much we can learn from it.
You can see the rest at Tiffany's Bookshelf: Planning to Live, by Heather Wardell
and you can read an excerpt of the book and buy your copy at "Planning to Live"'s web page.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Elise Hilton said...

Good one, this is a fantastic first review of Planning to Live! would be something that seems like it would be a fantastic book detailing the survival and success in today’s world. For any person who requires some sort of encouragement or a change in perspective, this book would be a complete and utter game changer. In addition, for the parents struggling with writing their help with dissertation., perhaps the topics and the sessions shared might provide some tips to help users stay on track.

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