If you've read "Planning to Live", you'll know what a "lovely little thing" is. If not...
A lovely little thing is something that happens in your life that sends a little spark of brightness and happiness through you. It's an unexpected treat, beating your best time in a race, sharing a moment with someone you care about... It's those tiny moments that can truly make life worth living.
As I wrote the book, I wanted to do something with those moments, help people to recognize them and inspire others by sharing them.
So I created the Lovely Little Things community. I'm currently doing it primarily through Twitter, via lovelylthings, but also through the Lovely Little Things blog. Please, check them out, and I'd be so happy and grateful if you shared your moments with me. It's as easy as commenting on a blog post or sending me a tweet, and you never know whose life you might change with just one comment!
Even if you'd rather not share your moments, you can follow the blog or Twitter feed and be inspired by other people's moments.
Let's make the world lovely together. :)
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