I check it out in the mirror and...

Somehow overnight I have acquired a bruise under my eye. It's a little puffier than it looks in this picture, and it's not a scratch or anything like that. It's definitely a bruise.
"Just makes you look tough," Mr. W says. Great. Just what I was after.
I have had odd injuries before (the highlight being the training run a few years back where I tripped over the sidewalk and smashed up both knees and my left cheek, leaving my hands almost unscathed) but at least I knew how they happened!
I'm planning a trip to Starbucks this afternoon. I hope nobody comments on the bruise, because "I don't know, maybe the cat stepped on me in the night" is about all I've got to say.
Anyone else get random injuries, or is this yet another weird thing that only I do? :)
I do get random bruises on my legs, but I tend to bump into things so that makes sense. But your eye? That is peculiar...
Always blame the cat. ^_^
The other day a massive deep purple bruise wound up on my arm, I have no idea what from...
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