I had a fantastic morning. In 1.5 hours, I created a three-page outline for the new book, codenamed Raoul. I haven't re-read it - it's going to wait until Saturday - but I know that a) there are some things wrong with it and b) there are a ton of things right with it. And both of those things are just fine with me. :) I'm delighted with how it's going!
I had lunch and a shopping trip with my mom today and didn't get home until 3:30, and never quite got back into the working groove. I've spent basically the last hour and a half browsing crochet patterns on the Internet. I have noticed that I'm far more productive Monday and Tuesday than I am Thursday and Friday... I've always assumed I should force myself to do the same amount of work each day, but perhaps I should front-load the week for writing and back-load it for housework. Something to test out.
Writing Project: Raoul
Time Planned: 3.5 hours
Time Spent: 1.5 hours. Hmm.
Favourite Part: putting the ending on the outline and knowing it's the right ending!
Exercise: 25 minute run (wanted 45 but had to cut it short because I was volunteering at the elementary school's band practice at 7:30AM and I just couldn't get up any earlier!
One Fun Thing I Did Today: had a nice lunch with my mother
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