Saturday, September 6, 2008

Books I Read in August

I've been updating the Books I've Read post on the right, but rather than just hide 'em away in there, I'm going to start posting them monthly. For this month, they don't have reviews on The Book Book blog, but I'll start that for September's books.
  • "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton. Flowery language and yet clear and easy to read as well. Interesting story, both for what it shows and for how much of the relationships it doesn't show - no sex, no courtship details. (eBook via
  • "I'm with Stupid" by Elaine Szewczyk. Strongly chick lit in tone. The plot, frankly, didn't make all that much sense, but it was funny in a lot of parts. I did wish for some sort of character change/resolution but I didn't get it, and the few spots where some WAS added felt forced and fake. (eBook via
  • "The Farseer: Assassin's Apprentice" by Robin Hobb. I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. The cruelty of people to Fitz, the prince's bastard son, was so clearly portrayed, and yet the people felt it was justified. Fitz was always a strong character, to my mind, clear and well-written. I will read more of this author! (eBook via
  • "The Blood Books, Vol. 1" by Tanya Huff. A fair bit of headhopping, but an interesting take on werewolves and vampires, set in Toronto and London, ON. It's actually a compendium of two of her books. (library)
  • "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said" by Phillip K. Dick. Set in the ""future"" of 1988, it's neat to see how Dick envisioned the future. The destruction and rebuilding of Jason Taverner made great sense to me and I found the style, while a little stiff, easy to read and follow. (eBook via
  • "Currant Events" by Piers Anthony. I used to adore his books, but then I started to feel they were all exactly the same. After years away, I picked this one up. Typical Xanth, all puns, but better and more entertaining than I remember some of the others being. (Kibrary)
  • "K-PAX" by Gene Brewer. I hadn't seen the movie before reading this (I have now) and I really enjoyed it. The tale of a man who is either an alien or deeply delusional. There appears to be a sequel; I will look for it. (Library)
  • "Banewreaker" by Jacqueline Carey. I have read and enjoyed her Kushiel books, but I found this one VERY hard to get into. I think, for me, it's at least partly because the Kushiel books are in first-person and this was in third with multiple points of view. I never quite knew the narrators as well as I did Phedre and Imriel in the Kushiel series. (Library)

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