Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some news, and a contest!

Readers have been asking for this, and I've finally made it happen: all four of my novels are now available in paperback! "Planning to Live" and "Seven Exes Are Eight Too Many" have been available for a while, but if you've been wanting "Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo" or "Go Small or Go Home", here you go. :) They're currently available at Createspace.com and Amazon.com, and the links above will take you to my web site where you can find the purchase links plus excerpts and reviews.

And now, the contest!

Speaking of reviews, to celebrate this milestone we're going to have a contest. It's pretty simple, really: write a review of one or more of my books, and be entered in a draw to win a $25 US gift certificate to the book seller of your choice.

You can write your review on any book seller site (Amazon, Chapters, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and so on), on a reading-related site (Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc.), on your blog, or anywhere else that I'll be able to see it. If you've written a review in the past, thanks so much, and of course you're still eligible to win. :)

Once you've got at least one review posted, let me know where to find it (or just post a comment to this message). Be sure to tell me a) where you wrote the review(s) b) whatever I need to know to find your review (the name it's under, the approximate date if it's been a while). Each review earns you one entry in the draw, and posting the same review in three places does count as three entries (as long as the postings meet the criteria in the fine print below).

The contest begins... now, and ends on December 7th at 8AM EST.

The (not-so-)fine print:
  • There will be one randomly selected winner of the prize of a $25 US gift certificate, or equivalent if in a non-US-dollar currency, to the book store of your choice. I will buy and email you said gift certificate, so it needs to be from a store that will let me do that. (Anything online should be just fine.)
  • The review must be at a level of detail that would help other readers decide whether the book is for them. I think at least one full sentence is required, with at least one reason why you liked/disliked the book.
  • The review does not have to be a five-star love-fest. (It can be, of course. :) I am looking for honest reviews, so let the world know what you think!
  • Postings will not count if they are posted at places that have nothing to do with books and reading. (In other words, please don't spam.) The only exception to this would be your own blog or web site.
That's about it! Write those reviews, or let me know about your existing ones, and good luck. :)


Jennie said...

Me, Me, Me! Pick Me! :) I have two reviews on my blog (I think you have them linked on your website, if not I can give you the links).

Heather Wardell said...

I definitely do have them. You're on the list now!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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Embroidery digitizer said...

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