The female (Tess) is searching for meaning and purpose in her life. Which, while great, doesn't lend itself well to a "find the grail" or "heal an injury" kind of goal. But I'm still looking, and it's coming together.
I had a dentist appointment this afternoon so only scheduled 2 hours on Raoul. The rest of the afternoon, after the dentist (of course) was 45 minutes late, I spent doing various odds and ends. I'm always pleased with myself when I make a schedule I can actually stick to - I feel SO much more productive as a result!
Writing Project: Raoul's outline
Time Planned: 2 hours
Time Spent: 2 hours
Favourite Part: saying to myself, "You can't just write *this bunch of words* and have a summary sentence," and looking at it and thinking, "Hmm. Maybe you can!"
Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes weights
One Fun Thing I Did Today: updated my Ravelry account (if you're a crafter, go to NOW and sign up, then friend SapphireNinja) to show the craft stuff I've finished recently.

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