Yes, I have three copies of "Seven"'s paper edition to give away. I will sign these books, and maybe some day they'll be worth a fortune! I'm willing to send these anywhere on the planet, and will also give the winners an electronic copy if they would like one, so they will never be without the book. (Like a stalker, only more entertaining to read!)
Here's a summary of the story:
The fiercely private Madeleine-Cora Spencer is the last person who should be on a reality TV show, but when she's shunned by a friend's new wife because "you can't trust desperate single women" her pain and humiliation drive her straight to the "Find Your Prince" dating show's web site.Armed with date-appropriate clothes and a detailed game plan she arrives to meet her potential loves, only to be dumped... on a remote island with seven ex-boyfriends.
Seven exes! Could this be any worse?
Here's how to win:
Comment on this post. You can tell me about your favorite way to celebrate your birthday, describe your worst ex, or just say you want the book. Either include your email address in the comment (writing it like "me(at)here(dot)com" to avoid spammers is fine) or have a Blogger profile that includes your email address. This gets you one entry.
Each of the following activities will get you one additional entry:
1. Twitter about the contest. Here's a sample tweet for you, but feel free to write your own instead as long as it uses my Twitter handle, the book's title, and my bit.ly link to this post. (Using bit.ly means I can track how far the link spreads, so please do use only the link I've provided.)
Win "Seven Exes Are Eight Too Many" by @heatherwardell - stranded with HOW many exes?? - details at http://bit.ly/hw-7g - RT to win!2.Blog about the contest. Again, please use http://bit.ly/hw-7g as your link.
3. Be a fan of my Facebook page on July 31st. (You're welcome to do this earlier, of course. :)
And the big one... send me a link to a review you've written for any of my books, and I'll give you two entries to the contest!
Check out the first scene at my web site, and good luck! :)
No need to enter me, darling (I've got a TBR that is so scarily out of control, I may die before I've solved that problem). I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
I'd have fun with 7 exes! I'm one of the weird ones who stays friendly with my exes so if I ran into them we'd share a nice hello and some laughs. This sounds like a fun book!
msboatgal at aol.com
Hahahaha....my worst ex couldn't deal with the fact that we had broken up and sat outside of my house for hours one day in the pouring rain! He was wearing this really creepy trenchcoat too- my parents were less than impressed! Thanks for the chance to win this one- it looks like a lot of fun!
I tweeted this post here:
and am now following you on Twitter!
I am now a fan of your Facebook page under Jonita Fex!
My worst ex has become a joke to me and one of my best friends after a while. And for some reason, it annoys me that he's on Facebook and friends with my friends, even though we got closure years ago.
I'm interested in reading this book! I also have a birthday this month. :)
Facebook fan
i've added this to my wednesday giveaway post for this week in my blog. check back wednesday morning at chicklitcentraltheblog.blogspot.com. if this ends before wednesday night, please let me know.
There isn't enough space here to write meaningfully about my worst ex!! :-) But I'd love to read this!
And don't miss the Book Review Blog Carnival today at Colloquium!
jhsmail at comcast dot net
Facebook fan!
jhsmail at comcast dot net
Absolutely a Facebook fan! I have read both of your books so far, and loved them! I am blessed with my high school sweetheart of 18 years, so I don't have an ex. I wrote a review a while back on Go Small or Go Home at smashwords. You can find me at pease.teresa (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh Heather, you know me! I definitely follow you on Twitter, I have blogged about you on several occaisions, and I am a fan Facebook. Absolutely love your books! I couldn't put them down, and can't wait to read this next one!!
I love your other books! I can't wait to read this one!!!
happy birthday!!!
thanks for the chance to read your fabulous novel
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
My birthday is in December, and I live in Vancouver. And I don't ski. So my favourite way to spend my birthday was the year we went snorkelling in Mexico. I'd never had my bathing suit on on my birthday before.
I don't Twitter, but I'm reading Polar Bear Tattoo right now, and will review it at Goodreads (where I'm adventurat) when I'm done!
I'd luv to win your book and Happy Birthday. My b-day is the ides of March. Scary, huh. :) But I still luv celebrating. :D
Susie, my birthday is Bastille Day. :) But fortunately I don't live in France so it's okay. :)
I'm so thrilled with all the entries so far. Thanks, all! :)
my fav way for my birthday is to read and lay about and eat all kinds of foods I normally don't, like chicken wings and toffee candy. It makes that one day stand out. Then in the evening to talk about books with someone else who loves books, what could be better?
Sounds like a fantastic book! I can't wait to read it!
tweeted it!
I became a facebook fan!
I can't wait to read this book!
I read your first book and loved it! I cant comment about exes because I was lucky to meet my husband of 28 years when I moved next door to him when I was 16! I cant wait to read your new book and would love to have a signed copy!
I am a fan of your fb page, and following you on twitter (via (at)authorjen).
I am reading Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo and I am really enjoying it!
Please enter me for the book! testdrivenblog(at)gmail(dot)come
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